Common Sense Christian

The Thinking Christian’s Site

Da Vinci Code News

Reading "Da Vinci Code" does alter beliefs: survey|

"LONDON (Reuters) – 'The Da Vinci Code' has undermined faith in the Roman Catholic Church and badly damaged its credibility, a survey of British readers of Dan Brown's bestseller showed on Tuesday.

People are now twice as likely to believe Jesus Christ fathered children after reading the Dan Brown blockbuster and four times as likely to think the conservative Catholic group Opus Dei is a murderous sect. 'An alarming number of people take its spurious claims very seriously indeed,' said Austin Ivereigh, press secretary to Britain's top Catholic prelate Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor. "

The Berean Commentary:

Faith in an establishment (like the Roman Catholic Church or any other religious organizational makeup) is misplaced anyway.  If the faith of many Catholics in their organization was not shaken by the widespread pedophilia scandal associated with it, then it seems hardly likely that a novel and movie can do much.

Like one of our commentors pointed out, the Roman Catholic Church as an organization has much dirty laundry (from the slaughter of millions of innocents through inquisition to the assasination of Kings and toppling of governments) and does not like its authority challenged.  (Helen pointed out that later statement, I added the former)

If one is placing their faith in the wrong thing, then it deserves to be shaken for two reasons:

1.  Faith's authorship and origin are from God.  If it is true faith from God then it cannot be shaken

2.  God-given faith cannot be placed in the wrong thing.

May 18, 2006 - Posted by | Da Vinci Code News


  1. Unfortunately,the Catholic Church, that has many good attributes, including a setting that uses art to induce deep, mystical worship (something many Protestants have forgotten about), has made far too big a deal out of virginity. Jesus is the Son of God regardless of whether or not He had a wife or kids. He is the Son of God regardless of how many brothers and sisters He did or didn’t have. He is even the Son of God regardless of whether or not He was the result of a virgin birth. He is special because He is 100% man and 100% God, not because sex was absent. Catholics like Pentecostals know how to worship, but their theology is shallow and other-worldly.

    And who is/are the Berean Community? Why don’t you explain who you are in the “About” section of this blog, instead of posting a verse and a cartoon? I like to know who I’m talking to. You (???), J. at least, know exactly who I am.

    Comment by Helen Losse | May 18, 2006 | Reply

  2. Hi Helen!

    Agree with you once again.

    The Bereans blog is a new site for our young adults class at Trinity Baptist Church to come for a small daily dose of the scripture. A place to put a thought and a verse, post our prayer requests so that we can remember each others’ burdens, and share ideas and resources.

    It is a work in progress.

    As it is a group that is dynamic and ever changing, I can’t say much more than that we have dedicated our lives to assimulate the behavior of the Bereans that are referenced in Acts 17. We want to “receive the Word with all readiness of mind”, and we want to “search the scriptures daily” for truth and its application.

    We’re a mixed sort–young, not so young, who want to serve the Lord with gladness–serve out of love, not obligation or guilt.

    Eventually when I have permission from everyone in the class we may put more information.

    Till then…

    Thanks for stopping by to comment and discuss!


    Comment by bereans | May 18, 2006 | Reply

  3. Oak Island’s Da Vinci CODE

    Is Oak Island’s treasure really on Birch Island?
    First Nations translator deciphers ancient stone as a treasure map

    By Angie Zinck- Lunenburg Progress Enterprise – October 18, 2006
    WESTERN SHORE – You many have heard about the Da Vinci code, but the Ranville code could be what solves the longest running treasure hunt in recorded history.
    Keith Ranville, a First Nations man, has traveled from Winnipeg to Nova Scotia in hopes of unlocking the secret codes on Oak Island. He says he has done so by re-translating one of the stones found on the island over 200 years ago.
    The stone was first found in 1803 by the Onslow Company. Found 90 feet down the Money Pit, the stone was believed to be two feet long and 15 inches wide, weighing approximately 175 lb.
    Since that time, it has been said that the inscription on the stone read, “forty feet below two million pounds are buried,” as translated by James Leitchi, a professor of languages at Dalhousie University. Some researchers have questioned this translation, as Mr. Leitchi was involved in a treasure hunting company trying to sell stocks.
    Today, the actual stone is lost. It was used as a hearthstone in two homes on Oak Island, but it was moved to a Halifax store front where it went missing when the building was torn down. Its last known location was around the Centennial Pool area.
    Mr. Ranville used pictures of the stone to decipher its series of shapes, lines and dots to reveal a new translation that reads more like a map.
    “I’ve brought some new stuff to the table,” he says, adding that the stone’s etchings could be used to figure out the mystery of Oak Island.
    By his translation, much of the digging in the Money Pit area has been a waste of time and money.
    “I believe the pit wasn’t meant to go beyond 100 feet,” he says. “I believe it wasn’t meant to go beyond these symbols.”
    If one were to take Mr. Ranville’s code and follow it, it would lead you off Oak Island the site of all the treasure hunting for the past 211 years, under the water of the bay and onto the neighboring Birch Island via man-made shafts.
    “The instructions at the bottom of the pit tell you about where and how to locate these shafts and I believe they’re in Mahone Bay,” he says.
    Mr. Ranville believes the two islands are connected by these shafts. He said that aerial shots of Birch Island prove the island has been touched by human hands. These aerial shots of the 16-acre Birch Island do show a large triangle which takes up a good portion of the island landscape.
    “What I want to do is investigate this island where I think these symbols lead to,” he says.
    Mr. Ranville has contacted the owner, Christopher Ondaatje, to inquire about doing some soil testing and exploring on the island.
    In addition to being the home of the famous treasure, Mr. Ranville believes Birch Island may also be an ancient burial site of those who were involved in the original treasure hiding scheme.
    “This is a significant Nova Scotia heritage discovery and that is Canada’s national treasure brought here for our guardianship long before Canada was established,” he says. “We should respect the civilization that is responsible for the makings of these structures.
    “They were a very unique culture and may hold the secret to many ancient structures.”
    Although he doesn’t know who actually buried the treasure, Mr. Ranville believes Oak Island and Birch Island need to be protected from further change to unlock their true history.
    At the time of this interview, Mr. Ranville had yet to hear from Mr. Ondaatje regarding the island. He says he will continue to research the island and its tales of mystery and treasure. Check out Google Earth on the World Wide Web to see satellite photos of Birch Island and its triangle.
    Native Treasure Hunter
    Keith Ranville

    Comment by Web-ster | January 25, 2007 | Reply


    April 2007 Edition
    Hard Copy Version
    Oak Island Update! – Cree Code Breaker Challenges 140-Year Old Cipher

    MAHONE BAY, Nova Scotia –The enigma of Oak Island has been called one of the greatest archaeological and engineering achievements of mankind. Often referred to as Canada’s best known unsolved mystery, Oak Island proudly boasts it’s title for hosting the site of the World’s longest treasure hunt in recorded history. Now in its 212th year this 10 million dollar project that has selfishly taken the lives of six young men is no closer to being solved than it was in 1795 when three teen boys discovered a shaft here and began digging for what they believed to be pirate treasure! The boys excavated down to the 30 foot mark, exhausted and unable to continue they realized the dig would be a much larger effort then they first imagined. What the boys found as they dug convinced all three that they had indeed discovered a man-made vertical shaft of sound engineering. Their only conclusion was that it had been built to hide an enormous treasure. Knowing that a proper excavation required equipment, animals and manpower the boys set out to find investment capital. It took years but they did find an investor with whom they became the founders of the Onslow Company, the first of many treasure recovery companies that would come and go on Oak Island. To date the cost of this intoxicating treasure hunt has far exceeded ten million dollars and consigned six sturdy treasure hunters to an early grave.

    Now for the first time since the 1860’s one man has come forward to challenge the translation of a cryptic message found etched into a stone that was discovered at the 90-foot mark in the original shaft in 1803 by the Onslow Company. The stone vanished about 1900 and no known image or text was preserved showing the cryptic message. However a Mahone Bay school teacher in 1909 claimed to have copied the two line, forty-character coded text directly from the stone hoping that he could break the code himself. He provided the only image of the codex known to exist stating the code was a simple letter-for-cipher that was accurately translated by Professor James Leitchi, a professor of languages at Dalhouse University in 1860’s. Leitchi’s translation reads… “Forty feet below two million pounds are buried.” Although Leitchi’s translation has never been directly challenged it has always been suspicious since a business relationship is known to have existed between Leitchi and the Oak Island Association, the 1860’s recovery company.

    Recently Keith Ranville, a Cree First Nations researcher announced his challenge of Leitchi’s translation stating… “Birch Island holds the secret to the meaning of the construction on Oak Island. According to the Lunenburg Progress Enterprise, Ranville claims that Leitchi’s method to break the code was flawed, citing that his translation using the First Nations tradition, sees the codex as individual abstract symbols that were never intended to be translated into a single message. Using Ranville’s method to decipher the code, which reads more like a map, Oak Island is directly linked to its sister island, nearby Birch Island by underwater man-made shafts. He cites the repeated use of the triangle from the original inscription and points to the large triangle that he discovered on Birch Island which is only visible from the air. The triangle on the 16-acre Birch Island takes up much of the Island which Ranville believes is also the ancient burial grounds for those who were involved with the complex construction found on Oak Island.

    Ranville’s work offers a completely different approach to solving the Oak Island mystery. Traveling across Canada Ranville has presented his findings to a number of scholars and groups many of whom have supported his work in principal. He has been interviewed on radio programs and his currently looking for funding to help pursue his research further. Those supporting Ranville’s research include mining engineer, Steve Zou, P.Eng.,PH.D, the Bear River First Nation of Nova Scotia, the Sault Ste. Marie Museum and to learn more you can log on to Ranville’s web site at:

    Interview with Mr. Ranville December-2006

    Canada’s very own treasure hunter

    Keith Ranville

    Comment by Keith Ranville | January 31, 2007 | Reply



    Theory points to possible connection with nearby Birch Island

    HALIFAX, Nova Scotia: Friday, July 14th, 2006 – – For the past two centuries, the tunnels of Nova Scotia’s Oak Island have piqued the imagination of historians and treasure hunters alike. Now, a new theory by First Nations researcher Keith Ranville may add fresh speculation to the mystery. Based on a unique reading of an inscription once found in the “Money Pit,” Mr. Ranville believes that the answer to the riddle may be found on nearby Birch Island.

    Oak Island, located on the scenic Mahone Bay about an hour’s drive south of the provincial capital of Halifax, has been associated with buried treasure since the late 18th century. Local settlers reportedly found a ship’s tackle block hanging from a tree branch, overhanging a large depression in the ground. Early efforts to dig down failed when the diggers encountered layers of timber every 10 feet. In the ensuing generations, several organized excavation attempts have drilled down nearly 200 feet, en route encountering some artifacts within the staggered layers of logs, clay, putty, charcoal, flagstones and most perplexingly, coconut husks. Among the scores of enthusiastic treasure hunters was a young Franklin Roosevelt, one of the investors in a 1909 excavation attempt.

    During the earlier diggings of 1800’s, the tunnel had become flooded by seawater – which many believed was the result booby trap being sprung – thus complicating further digging since then. A drilling effort in the mid 1800’s was said to have uncovered fragments of a gold chain. In 1971, a camera was lowered into the pit and reportedly captured images of wooden chests and human remains.

    One of the most fascinating artifacts from the pit was said to be a flat stone recovered at the 90-foot depth, carrying a mysterious inscription. A fragment of stone with similar symbols was found nearby in Smith’s Cove in the 1930’s. The stone tablet itself has gone missing, but a record of its symbols remains. Until now, the consensus is that the symbols are a code translated as “forty feet below two million pounds are buried.” However, Keith Ranville’s theory offers a different interpretation as to the stone’s symbols, which could lead to a new explanation of the Oak Island mystery.

    “I believe these symbols have been incorrectly assumed to stand for something else. In the First Nations tradition that I’m a part of, we believe symbols should simply be looked at in and of themselves, rather than thinking of them as codes that have to be cracked,” Mr. Ranville explained. “In the pictograms of Cree Salavics, for example, the images are meant to be descriptive, not abstract.” Using this approach, Mr. Ranville examined the Oak Island symbols and found what may be a set of instructions about a tunnel system involving both Oak Island and nearby Birch Island.

    For example, the stone inscription begins with a triangle symbol, which is repeated throughout. Mr. Ranville believes that this represents nearby Birch Island, which has a distinctly triangular clearing on its north shore. Likewise, a symbol showing a circle divided into two hemispheres can be thought of as representing north/south directional markers. A series of dots in singles, pairs and triplets may be quantitative symbols.

    Examining all the symbols in this way, Mr. Ranville believes that the symbols on the Money Pit’s stone tablet are actually technical instructions describing the location and layout of a possible underground network involving both Oak Island and Birch Island. “There was a fragment of another stone tablet that was found on Oak Island’s Smith Cove in the 1930’s,” Mr. Ranville explained. “It too has these types of symbols, but one in particular appears to be a Greek symbol designating ‘underwater door’. In conjunction with the other symbols, I believe this points to underwater doors and additional shafts on Birch Island itself.” Smith’s Cove is on the part of Oak Island that is closest to Birch Island, and is said to have yielded several artifacts itself over the years.

    “Based on the inscribed symbols, I think we should be looking at Oak Island and Birch Island together in order to solve the mystery. If Birch Island proves to have underwater doors and tunnels around its triangular clearing, then it would be a huge step forward in our understanding of what Oak Island is all about.”

    There have been many, occasionally bizarre, theories as to what the Oak Island tunnels may contain: a Masonic vault containing the Holy Grail, Viking or Pirate booty, Inca treasure, the French Royal Crown Jewels, payroll for colonial British soldiers or even the secret writings of Francis Bacon. Mr. Ranville prefers not to speculate. “Those are interesting and sometimes funny theories, but I’d rather just look at the evidence that we do have, and go from there.”

    Mr. Ranville is a self-taught researcher born in Manitoba. While living in Vancouver, he became acquainted with the Oak Island mystery and began studying it. In October 2005, he relocated to Nova Scotia to further research and advance his theories on the subject.

    Both Oak Island and Birch Island are private property, and access must be sought by permission of the landowners.

    # # #

    For further information, please contact
    Keith Ranville

    Comment by Keith Ranville | January 31, 2007 | Reply

  6. First Nations National News

    Birch Islands Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia

    North American Cree Native, Keith Ranville

    December 25 2006
    Birch Island has the hallmarks of the North American National Treasure, says a Canadian Cree Native Indian. He believes the Triangle impression on Birch Island is a signature of the American pyramid that is on the U.S currency, if the U.S treasury has an answer to why this emblem is on there American currency, they have not really disclosed it to the general public.

    Mr. Ranville Is leading the pursuit in this new generation of treasure hunters, his concepts and theories are all original and are under-rated by the media and some Oak Island long standing organizations involvement in this treasure mystery.

    While listening to Mr. Ranville, I was fascinated with his journey across Canada and with only limited resources to none; he believes his dreams are the corner stone of understanding the Oak Island treasure mystery. He also believes his dreams are how the ancients fortified the capacity to process knowledge to a conscious of limitations of mechanism’s of our own reasoning & thinking capabilities.

    He tells of amazing theories of involvement of Sir Francis Bacon, Templars, and Tumbez or Inca Treasure and how they are all connected, by a community Repository built to deposit ancient spiritual artifacts and treasures of incredible wealth to house these covenanted artifacts.

    Keith Ranville born in Winnipeg, Manitoba the province of the buffalo, of Father Elie Ranville and mother Christine Sinclair, at a young age of two, Keith left Winnipeg with his Family to Vancouver B.C he then became a ward of the court at a early age due to the loss of a parent he spent his childhood years & teenage years in group homes and foster homes. With his rocky up bringing he manage to a education himself to a grade of 9 or 10, he later educated himself on his own he then constructed a custom way of learning that he was able to build on and develop a unique way of processing information. What escapes me is his Sinclair Heritage; he explains that his mothers grandfather Albert Sinclair worked for the missionaries in the Cross Lake, Native Reservation in Northern Manitoba, he linguished seven languages and what is known of him is that he traveled from the United States.

    In conclusion, Mr. Ranville’s heritage background, there can be a link to him to the Inca’s and the Templars there is no evidence that Keith’s great grandfather Albert Sinclair was a Freemason. I can only speculate that he was a genius and his linguist abilities were handed down to Keith. Also with Keith’s tenacious Scottish Heritage and spiritual Native Heritage may just be the link that is the combination to unlocking the secrets to the Oak Island Treasure Mystery.

    If you ever have the chance to meet this individual, the depth of his understandings will captivate your imagination, he has added a tremendous new spark to a once dying oak Island Treasure Mystery. His Popularity is drawing in crowds of people to this mystery like never before, the first by only one person. When it comes to treasure hunting he is far, the coast to coast the most fascinating treasure hunter of North America.


    Mr. Ranville is a self-taught researcher born in Manitoba. While living in Vancouver B.C, he became acquainted with the Oak Island mystery


    Comment by Keith Ranville | January 31, 2007 | Reply

  7. The Oak Island Mystery
    From Canadawiki News
    : navigation, search
    The mysterious “money pit” of Oak Island, in Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia, has stymied treasure hunters for decades. The site was first discovered in 1795 by a local teenager, Daniel McGinnis, who found a ship’s tackle block hanging from a tree branch, overhanging a large depression in the ground. McGinnis and friends John Smith, and Anthony Vaughan dug to 30 feet and temporarily gave up. In 1803, they and the Onslow Company begin excavatiing, hitting layers of timber and clay every 10 feet, until they broke through a clay booby trap at 90 feet and were flooded out, when seawater rushed in from a tunnel to a nearby bay, filling the pit to sea level.
    In 1804, the Onslow Company dug a parallel pit to 110 feet. This too flooded when they attempt to tunnel over the Money Pit. Apparently they discovered a flagstone at the 90 foot depth, with an inscription on the stone. James Leitchi, a professor of languages at Dalhousie University, suggested that it was a simple-substitution cipher, which read, “Forty Feet Below Two Million Pounds Are Buried”. But Leitchi was involved in a treasure hunting company trying to sell stocks, and the stone may have been a fraud.

    In 1849, the Truro Company started digging. They were able to drill through 2 casks filled with “loose metal”, and claimed to have recovered 3 gold chain links. In 1850, a subterranean waterway and artifical beach were found at Smith’s Cove.

    The first life was claimed by Oak Island in 1861, when a man was scalded to death by an exploding boiler. That year, the bottom literally fell out of the so-called money pit, as the items that had been at 100 feet feel farther down to hole thanks to weakening of the pit by several cross tunnels.

    In 1893, Fred Blair and The Oak Island Treasure Company begin their investigations, first investigating the causes of the cave-in. In 1897, a triangle rock formation was discovered, and a cement vault and parchment were supposedly found during drilling. A second life was lost that year when Maynard Kaiser fell to his death while being pulled out of the pit. In 1899, a second flood tunnel, The South Shore Tunnel, was discovered.

    leftlThe “money pit” has been dug and excavated many times – one enthusiastic treasure hunter was a young Franklin Roosevelt, who invested in a 1909 excavation attempt. But even modern engineering has failed to crack the mystery of various staggered layers of logs, clay, ships putty, coconut matting, charcoal and iron. Further booby traps have either opened the pit to sea flooding, or caused it to collapse and kill treasure hunters.
    In 1936, a second inscribed stone was supposedly discovered, and more evidence of the original cofferdam found. A further tragedy happened on August 17, 1965, when four treasure seekers drowned in the money pit, overcome by gas, likely carbon monoxide from a generator. In 1971, a new group of treasure hunters lowered a camera into the pit and reportedly captured images of wooden chests and human remains.

    So what is at the bottom of the Oak Island mystery? Does it contain Spanish treasure, buried by Captain Kidd, or perhaps the Royal Crown Jewels of France (which went missing in 1791 and were said to have been smuggled to Louisburg), a Masonic “Secret Vault” containing the Holy Grail, the treasures of King Solomon’s temple, Viking or Pirate booty, Inca treasure, payroll for colonial British soldiers, or even the secret writings of Francis Bacon.

    A new theory has been suggested recently by researcher Keith Ranville, who believes that nearby Birch Island, owned by Toronto financier Christopher Ondaatje may be part of the mystery. The 16-acre island features a large triangle which takes up a good portion of the landscape.

    Canada’s Very Own Treasure Hunter

    Keith Ranville


    Comment by Keith Ranville | February 2, 2007 | Reply


    New: Oak Island Secret Treasure Cipher
    Recently Mr. Ranville made it known of a translation of a watermark cipher that he broken down from top to bottom descriptively, while Mr. Ranville was investigating the Oak Island treasure mystery’ he came across a watermark in a book the Oak Island Mystery by the Fanthorpes. The theory of Sir Francis Bacon and his relation to Oak Island is not relatively new, many books on Oak Island mention Sir Francis Bacon as contender of who? As a possible suspect that he may have involvement in the Oak Island treasure mystery that is now in it’s 212th year of many searches for the trophy treasure that past treasure hunters failed to grasp. Perhaps with more advanced treasure-hunting equipment and exploring Mr. Ranville’s Oak islands research concepts will give us a better understanding of this enigma. It is said Sir Francis Bacons personal writings were and preserved in mercury and hidden some where in the Oak Island treasure mystery?Keith Ranville a Canadian First Nations Native, is known for his translation’s of the Oak Island Money pit symbols, and for his newly discovery the Birch Island triangle.
    Mr. Ranville explains his theory in diagrams:

    Comment by Keith Ranville | February 13, 2007 | Reply


    Francis Bacons secret cipher

    It is from the 1669 edition of Sir Francis Bacons
    –> The New Atlantis.

    The Watermark is described as a triangle with tub bottom, with a circle below followed by two more circles then under a triangle on a horizontal rectangle.

    This watermark reads:

    Triangle with round bottom or Oak Island stone triangle
    One or first
    Two or second
    On rectangle or rectangle stone

    Keith’s cipher?

    The Oak Island triangle first, second triangle is on the rectangle stone at the bottom.
    If this translation of Sir Francis Bacon holds true, with my descriptive cipher of his watermark seal, and this cipher is done very much the same method as the Money Pits symbols, then Francis Bacon is in the front running of ?who? In my treasure theory.

    I am excited to think that the secrets to Atlantis can be in the Birch Island Triangle. My research is getting closer to the objective to treasure and it’s exciting to.
    It feel great to understand some as brilliant as Sir Francis Bacon.

    (Page 187 diagram 5)

    Wisdom of the Ancients and the New Atlantis London: Odhams, (undated).
    Cipher By Treasure Hunter/Researcher
    Keith Ranville


    Comment by Keith Ranville | February 15, 2007 | Reply

  10. The New Atlantis
    Sir Francis Bacon, Watermarks 1-20

    (click here to view diagram 14)

    14. Mr. Ranville Translations of the watermark Reads; Oak Island triangle first, second triangle is on rectangle stone beneath.
    14. These two symbols or designs are from Bacon’s look, The New Atlantis, published in 1669. Note here two triangles formed by the grapes, both resting upon a flower. The upper triangle contains 5 grapes and the lower one 7 grapes, the upper part of the flower helping to form the bottom point of the lower triangle.

    Oak Island Treasure Hunter/Researcher

    Keith Ranville

    Comment by Keith Ranville | February 17, 2007 | Reply

  11. Sir Francis Bacon and Freemasonary

    Regarding Sir Francis Bacon–yes, he was a Freemason and was instrumental in important changes to Masonry, through the London Lodge. He was also, however, a 17th Century leader of Rosicrucians, of the specificic Rosicrucian tradition.

    Keith Ranville

    Comment by Keith Ranville | February 18, 2007 | Reply

  12. Oak Island Research–Baconian Watermark

    There is no absolutely evidence that Mr. Bacon set foot on Oak Island but new cipher information may differ that claim, I am going by the books written by Oak Island Authors that mention Oak Island as Sir Francis Bacon as a suspect as a person of interest? I never invented Mr. Bacon as a suspect? I am just examining the evidence provided by the books put forward’ and I zeroed in on something that looked to be cryptic. Remember I never mentioned this watermark as an Oak Island connection originally’ I only elaborated on it…. it was put forward to me in published diagrams & text? I am sorry if this confuses anyone otherwise; Oak Island is a mystery of missing clues that is controversial in many aspects, due to pass treasure seekers, not thinking of research people in the future that never thought the evidence they had could significantly answer so many questions?
    I wish I could of answer everyone more directly about the watermark, its all explained in diagrams and the watermark seems to co-relate to my theory evidence in regards of the Oak Island stone triangle the rectangle and it’s where abouts of a triangle ie (Birch Island Triangle) that was inscribed on it!
    Sir Francis Bacon freemason Information
    Regarding Sir Francis Bacon–yes, he was a Freemason and was instrumental in important changes to Masonry, through the London Lodge. He was also, however, a 17th Century leader of Rosicrucians, of the specificic Rosicrucian tradition.


    Original New Research:
    Oak Island Researcher/Treasure Hunter
    Keith Ranville

    Comment by keith Ranville | February 26, 2007 | Reply

  13. Prince Henry Sinclair’s voyage to the America’s

    As I was touring around Nova Scotia I inquired to Native elders about Oak Island and its heritage, I also asked questions about a mythical giant called glooscap; Could the Micmac people story telling of glooscap be misinterpreted over time and mean Gooscap? Gooscap is another meaning for Prince Henry Sinclair, the Micmac people had no known written text, and most stories of their heritage were handed down through generations of story telling over time. Most Micmac texts are in pictograms and are on stone inscriptions and seem pre-Columbian.
    If this theory is possible then this may be a different understanding’ that the Europeans arrived to the America’s at an earlier date then what was believed?

    The Birch Island’s triangle may be Pre-Columbian and maybe much older than the Money pit? One other symbol that the Micmac explain the meaning of; triangle that means God’ in Micmac tradition translations, that I think that it is in relation to the meaning of the Birch Island triangle and what the triangle may represent? After all Oak Island or Mahone Bay is in the Back yard of the Micmac People, it would be hard for the Micmac people to not know what was going on’ in a area where such a large complexed operation took place, or let alone of them to be possibly involved in this Oak Island treasure Mystery?

    New Research:
    Oak Island Treasure Hunter/Researcher
    Keith Ranville & Sinclair Heritage

    Comment by keith Ranville | February 27, 2007 | Reply

    New National Treasure Hunter

    Frank W. Pandozzi Production, LLC
    506 Valley Drive East
    Suite 101
    Chittenango, New York 13037
    315-*** ****
    For more information:
    Frank W. Pandozzi
    Frank W. Pandozzi Productions, LLC
    315-*** ****
    315-*** **** (cell phone)


    March 1, 2007
    Legendary Treasure Story To Be Filmed

    Chittenango, NY – Frank W. Pandozzi Production, LLC the producer of Exploring Historys Treasures TV series, has received the exclusive rights to film the Oak Island treasure story. Ryan Prucker of Imagelight Advertising & Production, LLC will be the co-producer.

    For centuries the treasure on Oak Island, Nova Scotia has been a mystery to treasure hunters, historians, and adventure seekers.

    “The Oak Island treasure has been as puzzling as any treasure story in the world. What is buried on Oak Island and where it is buried has received interest for more than two centuries. Some say the “Holy Grail” the cup that Jesus drank from at the “Last Supper” is buried on the Island. Others have speculated that the treasure may very well be a book or a letter that could significantly affect the world today. Whatever is buried on Oak Island may now be located based on a new interpretation of a centuries old clue. The clue could lead to what the treasure is and it’s whereabouts,” Pandozzi states.

    The Oak Island treasure legend began in the summer of 1795. Three individuals, Daniel McGinnis, John Smith and Anthony Vaughn were adventuring on Oak Island when they discovered a spot on the ground that looked as if it had been recently uncovered. Fifteen feet above the ground, swung a ships tackle hanging from a sawed off tree branch. On the tree were carved strange markings.

    Visions of a buried treasure danced in their heads, so the three kept digging.

    Digging deeper a former oak Island company encountered a flagstone with a strange inscription scrawled into it. It is this mysterious cipher that has captivated the world of treasure hunters. No one has been able to establish what the code means.

    However, Keith Ranville, a Canadian Cree Native Indian, has studied the clues and believes he knows where the treasure is buried.

    “Keith Ranville has worked diligently to uncover the mystery behind the code. I believe he is on to something,” Pandozzi says.

    Filming will begin sometime this year.

    Frank W. Pandozzi Production, LLC in Chittenango New York started operations in 2005.The production company produces Exploring Historys Treasures Television series and DVDs.
    The series features history, metal detecting and treasure hunting.

    Imagelight Advertising & Production, LLC in Syracuse New York is the co-producer of Exploring Historys Treasures TV series. Imagelight also provides full-scale film production, editing, media buying services as well as advertising to businesses and corporations. Interested parties may visit

    For more information please visit, or

    Frank W. Pandozzi

    # # #

    New Leading Research:
    Oak Island Treasure Hunter/Researcher

    Keith Ranville

    Comment by keith Ranville | March 2, 2007 | Reply

  15. Oak Island Triangle Research Reference
    Egyptians in Acadia?

    The Micmac are an Algonquian tribe living in that part of eastern Canada called Acadia. In contrast to most tribes of North American Indians, the Micmac possess their own written language. This language was supposedly invented and taught to them by Pierre Maillard, a French priest who lived among the Micmac in the Eighteenth Century. The strange part about the Micmac writing is that its signs are often very similar to Egyptian hieroglyphs having the same meanings. B. Fell made this association in his book America B.C. He noted further that the priest Maillard actually had died 61 years before Champollion first published his decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphics. It is unreasonable, therefore, to believe that Maillard could have invented Micmac writing with its Egyptian affinities. Either the affinities are the product of chance or Precolumbian contacts occurred between the Micmac and Egyptian voyagers.

    New Research with cross-referencing explains: the Egyptian hieroglyph the meaning of triangle; exalted one, and the micmac meaning of the symbol triangle; means GOD.

    Micmac people are native to the Mahone Bay N.S or Oak Island area’ so my theory incudes there meaning of triangle that co-relates to the Oak Island stone triangle, the to be found triangle inscriptions that were carved into a stone tablet’ that was found in the Money pit in 1803, with this tangible information of triangles, I was able to locate a large triangle carved into a Island called the Birch Island triangle, located just two island’s east of oak island’ from information I just mentioned.

    The triangle relation to this Oak Island Mystery is casting positive doubt that the triangle theory will ultimately solve the 212 hundred-year-old treasure mystery, the belief of what triangle means of these cultures may shed some light on what may be in The Birch Island triangle treasure mystery?


    Canadian Cree First Nations Native & Sinclair Heritage

    New Original Leading Research:
    Oak Island Treasure Hunter/Researcher

    Keith Ranville

    Comment by keith Ranville | March 5, 2007 | Reply

  16. Letter Forwarded

    Greetings! I am writing to the likes of my friends, and people I associate with to bring forth a story that is more intriguing than any I have heard in a long time. Now what makes this story more intriguing is this is a person that I’ve known for a long time. One day he started to speak to us about a treasure; now of course we all looked at him with animosity; because who really; out of the blue just starts to talk about a treasure. I always knew Keith to be very above averagely intelligent; now to us we thought it was something that he was making up. Now what is more interesting is one day he. Left his life behind and everything he owned in Vancouver to adventure across Canada to Oak Island in Nova Scotia to find this treasure. Now all of this was a tremendous surprise to the likes of everyone I knew. Now a year and half goes by, and guess who I hear from, Keith Ranville, and he was actually onto something. I don’t know but to me this story doesn’t happen to many people; and I am in contact with Keith to this point. I have gained a distinct interest in this treasure. He is going through a lot of hardship from the people looking on one of the two islands, and it is where most of the treasure hunters have been looking for over 215 years, taking lives, and costing millions of dollars up-to-date; and they figure his new interpretation is going to put a ruin on their tourist attractions and so-forth. I’m going to ask you all on my list to forward this out so we can get this story out. He is of Cree descent, and has put a lot of his personal time towards the awareness of his findings. It would truly to me be an honor to make people aware of this story of such an admiral scenario.

    Check this out; it is definitely worth the interest.


    Corey Desjarlais

    Comment by Corey Desjarlais | March 12, 2007 | Reply

  17. Hi Corey thank you for your post

    Keith, 🙂

    Comment by Keith Ranville | March 12, 2007 | Reply

  18. Birch Island is nothing more than an illusion, created for the purpose of seeking your investment dollar.

    Please read the FACTUAL truth at my blog

    Comment by Sasha K. Iman | March 16, 2007 | Reply


    Their Has been some strange characters running around Oak island portraying they know me? and even making posts on the Internet saying so…this stange jealous behavior has been going around for many years long before I came along and started to make my famous discoveries concerning The Oak island Treasure Mystery. These obsessed people’ I think they have to much times on there hands, for them to chase me around the WWW. to try to involve themselve in my famous discoveries, that is recieving attention around the world.
    Please Be advised that these people are only trying to exploiting me for there own personal gain to cash in on me at a later date..they know I am on to something, this is why people are taking great interest in me. and even the the bad element as well sorry to say. Please Wait For my documentary it will illustrate all my discoveries and more.


    Leading Oak Island Researcher:

    First Nations Cree Native & Sinclair Heritage

    Keith Ranville



    Comment by Keith Ranville | March 16, 2007 | Reply

  20. Folks,

    You can read all about the intentionally deceptive antics of Keith by visting my blog at the link below.

    Birch Island is nothing more than an illusion, created for the purpose of seeking your investment dollar.

    Please read the FACTUAL truth of Keith’s scheme at

    Comment by n4n224ccw | April 1, 2007 | Reply

  21. Renne Le-Chateau
    Written in stone, of the secret of Coumesourde


    New Research Discovery
    This is a partial triangle, the upper and lower crosses, are center points of four triangles the same as the visible triangle. The V’s at each end of the crosses represents one of four triangles; Line (A) is center means there is triangle (B, C, D, E) this is a simple math equation of pi square or a diagram of a inverted pyramid.

    New Oak Island Research: New Discovery

    First Nations and Sinclair Heritage

    Keith Ranville

    Comment by Keith Ranville | April 10, 2007 | Reply

  22. Keith has lied his way across the WWW. He has no more idea what is on Oak Island or his fantacy island Birch Island, than I have of how to fly a 747. Just go to and ask the experts there about Keith Ranville.

    Comment by Albert | April 16, 2007 | Reply

  23. I think This Oak Island, treasure mystery is a place for crazy people to hang out? This mystery is beginning to suck and these organizations that are involved are incouraging it.


    Comment by Corey | April 24, 2007 | Reply


    Comment by Corey | April 24, 2007 | Reply

  25. Oak Island a sophisticated scheme artist community

    Oak Island is a breeding ground for scheming opportunist or a skilled manipulating playground to think up ways to misdirect a majority in groups into building an illusion of a treasure that does not exist, only to the ones that stick to the known information. Information is constantly made new by people making new history by unfounded facts. If enough people bounce disinformation of history off one another you will get a frenzy of groups that will make it believed to be true.

    I notice this Oak Island big deal is growing in number’s due to a new exciting theory, like more than ever than ever before. I guess past oak Island fever is repeating it’s self? There are presumptuous people that are talking nonsense about other people, finger pointing- people trying to ride off the credit of other people’s own work.

    The only difference about the past Oak Island squabbles of deceit and now is that we can see what people are doing under a better light, 20 or 30 years ago we would of seen new history with new facts made up and probaly gotten away with it’ with this same new attention. I think some people are taking this new burst of attention from one individual’s Oak Island’s attention to pitch there own unfounded history for reason of there own devious deeds. EXAMPLE: of an opportunist n4n224ccw or Sasha k. Inman a member of the anyone can see that he is trying to get on the Oak Island fame train. By being presumptuous with only his word and pawning unfounded history,Oak Island long time sources thinks he is un-credible and nobody wants anything to do with him.

    Oak Island smoke and mirrors for the thinking mans treasure.

    Posted by Crusader Sinclair

    Comment by Corey | April 27, 2007 | Reply


    Inquisition of oneself of the hidden self

    The oath of treason runs rampant in the secret’s of inquisitors to who points out names of the less quiet, for whom that is in the open of the unknown, is he or she the vagrant if it was thee the thought the out spoken. Can the faceless different be justified to cast the self’s belief on the elude without the examine of the ones own animosity.

    The hidden people do they convert them selves into the light of the known or do they play among the masquerade of the diluted. Names of the of the suspected becomes the quarrel of heresy, and sent to the tower of no escape from the already untruthful.

    Badges of shame are handed out by the devious that not confessed their own self-betrayal, but are of Sheppard’s in the flocks of faceless known’s. Rituals are habits hidden in words we disguise for the un to be prophet’s to sound the trumpets to the displaced of the easily believed mind.

    Finally is the mirror full of smoke or is the mind clouded with burnt feelings.

    Comment by Corey | May 10, 2007 | Reply

  27. New Oak Island Research and ancient engineering in the America’s

    The Oak Island Shafts and Tunnels are not that new to the North American Culture, ancient artifacts found in the Midwest turned up new information that can answer questions who engineered the shafts and tunnels on Oak Island?

    Oak Island Money pit was described to be about at a hundred-foot level in depth to a rectangle stone that believed to have inscriptions, beneath it a shaft tunnel to the beach area.

    I have recently made a new Oak Island theory discovery, that a North American culture had the capabilities to engineer shafts and tunnels long before the money pit was ever thought of this ancient culture was as mysterious and unknown as the builders of the money pit?
    They had knowledge of shafts and tunnels, very similar to the money pit’s shaft and tunnels, the same distance in depth with a bottom exit tunnel to the surface. This unknown culture has many found artifacts writing descriptive art and religion similar to today’s cultures.

    Read More:

    Comment by Keith Ranville | May 16, 2007 | Reply

  28. Oak Island stories of strange people and there odd behaviors

    Known crazy Stories—There have been many accounts of odd strange stories of people doing incredible insane things in the name of Oak Island, others have reported visions of apparitions of unexplainable sightings of things believed to be real to there thoughts and perceptions.

    Dare to step foot on Oak Island
    The stories I find fascinating are the ghostly sightings, one story that is amazing is of a demon dog with coal red eyes and is as big as a Shetland pony, that has been reportedly seen many times roaming Oak Island and is believed to disappear into large rocks.
    Photo’s obtained by me from that famous Canadian Native Oak Island treasure hunter guy, I think he is leading on more than what he wants us to believe
    He believes this dog exists on Oak Island, the dogs ghostly image is in the Oak Island skull stone. He also believes this dog shape-shifts into good and evil depending on the on-looker and is the guardian to the Oak Island secrets.


    another image of the same dog?

    original photo comparisions

    (cont..)One story I read was about a lobster fisherman who was checking his traps off the north shore of Oak Island and came across a man sitting by a tree and said to help him and he would give him all the gold he can carry.

    There has been before unexplained lights radiating from Oak Island during some past evenings and even two curious onlookers rowed out to Oak Island to investigate these happenings and were never seen again. There are people to this day that would never step foot on this Island for all the treasure in the world, there are many more other stories and I am sure the owners of Oak Island have stories of there own, even including the past owners like the Restalls a famous Oak Island familly they must have had some fascinating stories.


    Comment by CRUSADER | May 20, 2007 | Reply


    Blog News

    Benefits of joining the Oak Island Tourism Society: and not to.

    • Laminated, official membership card that will give you discounts to Society functions and events
    (I find this corny it seems like initiation to a biker gang they are a society that when you are member weather it’s a card or patch you are just someone with a S on your forehead)

    • Distinctive decal to show your support for the Society
    (Now this is cruel and un-usual you are paying them for you to advertising for them by sticking something some-where it is eventually going have to be peeled off, best to stick it where the light don’t shine )

    • Inside information on developments with the treasure hunt
    (Inside information that’s a hoot’ what a chuckle there are Oak Island researchers’ that the OITS have no idea what’s going on with them; inside sources claim many Oak Island researchers think the OITS is a bias organization, if you have a concept they will down play it or sabotage it, a corrupted ex-cop Mr. Danny Hennigar carries out these tactics he is also known as TANK on the chat lines masquerading a alias on various Oak Island forums.)
    Example a nutty forum:

    • Historical information, periodicals, editorials, pictures and articles
    (This is annoying when the OITS talks Historical information they have a article that they purposely sullied in errors by them, Example: error (form-ot)
    Is Oak Island’s treasure really on Birch Island?
    “First Nations translator deciphers ancient stone as a treasure map”
    a First Nations man, has traveled (form) Winnipeg (ot) Nova Scotia in hopes of unlocking the secret codes on Oak Island. He says he has done so by re-translating one of the stones found on the island over 200 years ago.
    This is what the Oak Island Tourism Society calls showing historical documents and how they portrait documents to the general public and there mean treatment towards this independent First Nations native researcher that is leading the pursuit in this Oak Island treasure hunt, although he gots the cards stacked against him with all that’s going on’ my monies is on him. )

    • Great resource information for schools, historic societies and other groups

    (They better straighten out there act before they decide to pass information to groups or children it’s a message no one needs.)

    • Part of a team dedicated to getting established on Oak Island…? HaHa

    • Special “members only” benefits
    (Independent Treasure Hunters say being independent is the way to go all information is on the internet at no cost there are researchers that will explain new developments that the OITS does not know. A question has been raised to Mr. Danny Hennigar of the OITS what monies gets put into research from money collected by the OITS, he said no comment. See it’s the independent researchers and authors that are making this treasure mystery famous, by buying into a membership or any other money grab you are buying into a scheme that’s lining the pockets of a pyramid money making sham and it’s the tourist and the independent treasure hunters that are the ones that are paying there price for this ignorance, the OITS should have a redeemable policy implemented.

    Membership Fee is 10.00 bucks 3.00 bucks for shipping and handling then medallions 10.00 more bucks if you add this all up and hidden costs it is pretty lucrative where does this money go, recently they were collecting donations until inquiries were made. I think a inquiry should be made on just how many members are their and how much money they are pulling in, it must be a fortune there is something not right here? Looks like a money making scheming scandal. ) This may not seem like lots of money they’re nickle & dimming but it all adds up to a big ripp-off.

    Oak Island gets a raw deal’
    Angels or Tax Demons



    Comment by CRUSADER | June 1, 2007 | Reply


    Mon, 21 May 2007

    Keith Ranville casually chats with radio jockies DK & Fizz about Oak Island and it’s Mystery including conversations about theories on the money pit and it’s connection to the famous Birch Island treasure triangle.

    [audio src="" /]

    In episode 14 we speak with Keith Ranville to help shed some light on the mysterious and elusive Oak Island Treasure!



    The ‘X’ Zone is a Canadian paranormal talk radio television program My name is Rob McConnell, the host and executive producer of The ‘X’ Zone Radio Show which is syndicated internationally on the TalkStar Radio Network on AM / FM Radio Stations and Satellite subscribers throughout the US, Canada, the Caribbean, Central America, South America, on Shortwave Radio and the rest of the world on TalkStar Radio’s streaming audio.
    I would like to invite Keith Ranville, to be my guest on, Monday, May 21 2007, 10 pm – 11 pm Eastern to talk about “Oak Island Story.”

    Monday May 21 2007
    Keith Ranville was born in Manitoba and grew up in Vancouver British Columbia.
    He became interested in the treasure at Oak Island, Nova Scotia and began to study the mysterious symbols attached to the treasure.
    Mr. Ranville then journeyed across Canada to Nova Scotia to research and investigate the clues surrounding the mysterious treasure.
    While he was in Nova Scotia, and continuing his studies of the strange treasure markings, Keith deciphered the code and pieced together the fascinating history of the four hundred year old treasure hunt.
    INTERVIEW DATE Monday May 21 2007

    Breaking News

    Comment by CRUSADER | June 10, 2007 | Reply

  31. News Release The Famous Oak Island Stone Triangle decoded By Canadian First Nations Researcher Keith Ranville.


    The secrets are unravelling with this Oak Island treasure mystery it is evident that this mystery is about triangles and right angles. Right angle square and compass are the basic tools of the Great builders of ancient structures and the Freemasons used these instruments in their rituals basically these tools were instrumental for me in creating this Oak Island triangle theory.


    Birch Island as seen from above it has a symbolic triangle carved into its landscape. By describing the beach area on the north side of this triangle there seems to be some work activity done to it in the past to the beach area it is discoloured from the rest of the contours of Birch Islands beach areas. The water depth is unusually deep at the right angle of the triangle beach area it’s obvious that this is a artificial Beach just by a visual observation.

    The Oak Island symbols that has triangles co-relates to the well documented Oak Island stone triangle, finally the newly discovered Birch Island triangle seems to be a viable connection to Oak Island with this triangle theory of mine. The evidence supports the claim that the Oak Island treasure is in the Birch Island’s triangle. The Oak Island stone triangle is the blue print of the Birch Island triangle the famous triangle that I discovered that is recieving attention world wide.

    Oak Island Treasure Hunter/Researcher


    Keith Ranville

    View New Exclusive Oak Island Treasure Hunting Research Diagrams for the world to see @

    Comment by GRAIL KNIGHT | August 15, 2007 | Reply

  32. Author Keith Ranvlle
    Oak Island Decipherment news

    Recently I have been disclosing Oak Island research information from my personal across Canada expedition. The Oak Island stone triangle was always thought to me to be the key to solving this treasure mystery, the triangles dividing stone line through the off center Oak Island stone triangle was direction north/south, my decipherment of this mysterious triangle was based on 19.5 degrees north to west from the bottom of the stone line at the circular bottom of this stone triangle, the usage of a square and compass help me decipher this Oak Island famous stone triangle puzzle even though my work is under rated but I am sure in the long run my work will be appreciated because I know am on to something grand.

    The mystic designers of this Oak Island set up, purposely left this stone triangle un-finished as a message for reasons of lessons to be learned this Oak Island mystery is far to complex for the comprehension of it’s meaning to be learn of it’s going on’s to be explain straight out for the reason’s because of it’s design, this set-up is a very in genius work of genius. Understanding this Oak Island mystery has been quite the task and one heck of a adventure, this stone triangle was missing one equation and that was 19.5 give or take because the triangle was aligned with stones so accuracy varied never the less I began at 19.5 and I believe it has some significance to the triangle pyramid theory I developed. The stone triangle that was thought to be aligned north/south it’s really aligned 19.5 north/west according to my decipherment of the stone triangle.

    Oak Island stone triangle is a treasure map
    Tilt the Oak Island stone triangle 7 degrees from it’s center to the stone triangle dividing stone and then you get about seven degrees east/south to the Birch Island triangle’ everything is connected in the dynamics of logic.

    19.5 degrees has been associated with many world mysteries, could Oak Island hold the answer to these unsolved mysteries, the planets in our solar system have significant energy anomaly spots in the area of 19.5 degrees even here on earth certain areas around 19.5 degrees are somewhat dormant/active volcanic area’s, it is also believed the Mars Pathfinder landed at 19.5 degrees latitude on Mars on July 4,’1997.

    The jury is still out weather there is formations on mars at 19.5 degrees or not but I am open to all possibilities when it comes to mysteries because I am investigating a mystery but I am keeping things down to earth for now because this is where the answers are. This 19.5 degrees seems to be a energy area point around the world and to some planets in our solar system, the makers of this well documented Oak Island stone triangle may have very well have known the secrets to these planetary energy anomalies, this Oak Island mystery is much bigger than a physical treasure it’s more like a treasure tree of knowledge my quest to solve this mystery is branching out towards the true nature of what this mystery is all about.

    Sincere thanks

    Indedendent Oak Island
    Treasure Hunter/Researcher

    Keith Ranville

    Comment by Keith | September 4, 2007 | Reply


    Oak Island Decipherment news
    Recently I have been disclosing Oak Island research information from my personal across Canada expedition. The Oak Island stone triangle was always thought to me to be the key to solving this treasure mystery, the triangles dividing stone line through the off center Oak Island stone triangle was direction north/south, my decipherment of this mysterious triangle was based on 19.5 degrees north to west from the bottom of the stone line at the circular bottom of this stone triangle, the usage of a square and compass help me decipher this Oak Island famous stone triangle puzzle even though my work is under rated but I am sure in the long run my work will be appreciated because I know am on to something grand.

    The mystic designers of this Oak Island set up, purposely left this stone triangle un-finished as a message for reasons of lessons to be learned this Oak Island mystery is far to complex for the comprehension of it’s meaning to be learn of it’s going on’s to be explain straight out for the reason’s because of it’s design, this set-up is a very in genius work of genius. Understanding this Oak Island mystery has been quite the task and one heck of a adventure, this stone triangle was missing one equation and that was 19.5 give or take because the triangle was aligned with stones so accuracy varied never the less I began at 19.5 and I believe it has some significance to the triangle pyramid theory I developed. The stone triangle that was thought to be aligned north/south it’s really aligned 19.5 north/west according to my decipherment of the stone triangle.

    19.5 degrees has been associated with many world mysteries, could Oak Island hold the answer to these unsolved mysteries, the planets in our solar system have significant energy anomaly spots in the area of 19.5 degrees even here on earth certain areas around 19.5 degrees are somewhat dormant/active volcanic area’s, it is also believed the Mars Pathfinder landed at 19.5 degrees latitude on Mars on July 4,’1997.

    The jury is still out weather there is formations on mars at 19.5 degrees or not but I am open to all possibilities when it comes to mysteries because I am investigating a mystery but I am keeping things down to earth for now because this is where the answers are. This 19.5 degrees seems to be a energy area point around the world and to some planets in our solar system, the makers of this well documented Oak Island stone triangle may have very well have known the secrets to these planetary energy anomalies, this Oak Island mystery is much bigger than a physical treasure it’s more like a treasure tree of knowledge my quest to solve this mystery is branching out towards the true nature of what this mystery is all about.


    Comment by Keith Ranville | September 5, 2007 | Reply

  34. Mid Summer 2005 First Nations Keith Ranville set out from his Vancouver home to investigate a at the time a Oak Island’s diminishing place of interest. But a new Oak Island beginning emerged through Keith’s traveling research studies a simple unencrypted solution was generated to resolve this 213 year-old elaborate treasure mystery. The close examination of Oak Island clues proclaimed a interesting triangle theory’ in-which was instrumental in locating the core to understanding and reviving the Oak Island treasure mystery.

    Oak Island’s neighbouring Birch Island perceives a obvious impression of a large incise triangle’ shaped into the earth’ obscured from ground view. Google Satellite is the best way to view the Birch Island triangle. cont..

    Comment by Oak Island | March 12, 2008 | Reply

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